Check crystal clear sound
The HD Radio is a free broadcast, their subscription is free, and there are no monthly subscription fees, so all you have to do is get a new HD Radio Receiver for your home or car. I’m too impress with their iPod dock with iTunes Tagging technology, which enables consumers to 'tag' a song by pushing a button. The next time the iPod is synced on iTunes, tagged songs are displayed and available for purchase.
Go to to find out more about HD radio and radio stations. You can easily browse plenty of HD radio stations. For example go to find station map and click on NE in the map to find New York High Definition Radio stations or your city from drop down button.
So go on, visit the site and see how you, too, may be able to experience music the way it should be! Oh, I almost forget to mention: subscription is FREE! No monthly charge or subscription cost, as what every radio station should be! It's good to hear local music you know, and HD Radio can offer you great music by buying the HD Ration Receiver. To know more about this product, feel free to check the link I have provided above.