service for men

Tuesday is a new 360° Dating service for men. But's not the traditional Dating Site where you will find women to contact, chat, interact and so is intended as a guide to help men in the dating art. To explain better what this site offers, i just report here a sentence found in the about page:

If you are a man aged 18-45 and are not happy with your success with women and dating, then you are at the only site that can really help you.
The site is practically a resource center where people unsecure can find a real help, tips and technique. You can simply browse all the contents (the site is divided into five main categories) using the menu bar under the header of the website. The first section is the ebook one: here you can find five interesting publications related to dating like the Flow (a 4 steps process for approaching women and getting dates), Super-Charge Your Confidence NOW or the Advanced Dating Strategies. The store actually can offers you a great deal: if you buy the first book (the Flow) you will obtain all the others absolutely for free (you can save more than $140...and total price is under $40!).
Another section of this a dating web site run by dating coaches is the Features one. Here you can find lots of free resources and articles related to Meeting Women & Getting Dates: techniques, fundamentals, dating... it is practically a little guide, extremely precious if you are searching for a little help in this art.
The two most interesting section are instead the Courses and Seminars sections. For who need a deeply help, in fact, experts from the site organize some step-by step in real-life situations courses. Normally, these courses last from 3 to 5 days and are comprehensive of hotel accommodations. On the website you can find more detailed information (there is a detailed description for each offered course) and you can also book your preferred one. If you consider a course a little excessive for you, you can simply participate in a Seminars/workshops: just one day (obviously there is a different approach, not so deeply how a course) at a cheaper price respect a course. Actually for example, there are two seminars in program: one in Melbourne and another in Sydney.You can also get email tips from this dating site.
Also you can hear the free video on this page:
If you need more information about the site or all the other things written in this post, please refer to the website. You can easily access the different section of the site following one of the links reported above.So,start dating now!!

Submitted by Gaurav Jain

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